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Written by 3:38 pm Fitness, Strength Training

6 Resistance Bands Exercises For Beginners In 2024

exercise with resistance bands

Resistance band exercises are gaining popularity among fitness enthusiasts. With the approaching 2024, many beginners look for practical, pocket-friendly, and hassle-free workout routines. These bands have quickly appeared in the limelight of many due to their versatility and efficiency. In this spirit, this article discusses 6 beginner workouts with band that you can use to upgrade your existing routine and keep you in the prime of your life. So, let’s start with these simple yet effective resistance bands exercises for beginners.

Simple 6 Resistance Bands Exercises For Beginners

Bicep Curls

Bicep curls are fundamental to working out your upper arms with resistance bands. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and stand in the center of the band. Grip the handle with your palms up, elbows to your body. Curl your hands up towards your shoulder without moving your upper arms. Lower it slowly back to the original position. This exercise offers strengthening of arms and is perfect for beginners.

squats workout

Source: Freepik


Squats work on building lower body strength. To do this, loop the band under your feet and follow off the ends at shoulder level. Keep your feet apart at shoulder-width distance and move down from there in a squatting position. Then, resist your way back to standing by pushing onto your heels. Daily squats can strengthen the legs and glute muscles, improving balance and maintaining proper body alignment.

Lateral Band Walks

Lateral band walks are great for engaging and strengthening the hips and glutes. They also engage the outer thighs and hips, developing strength, stability, and agility. To do this, place the band around your legs, just above the knees. Step out and back again while keeping your feet hip-width apart and bending your knees slightly. Also, try to maintain an even strain on the band throughout the workout.

Seated Row

Seated Rows work the back muscles, building strength for better posture and upper body strength. Stretch your legs out and sit on the floor. Wrap the band around your feet to form a loop. Then, after holding the handles with extended arms, pull the band towards your torso by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Since this workout offers many benefits, beginners who want to strengthen their backs must try it.

upper body exercise

Source: Freepik

Chest Press

The chest press is the most incorporated exercise into upper body workouts. For effective results, anchor the band behind you at about chest height. Then, hold the handles with your elbows bent and your stance is forward with one foot. Press the handles forward until your arms extend, then return to the original position. Once done, you will feel it around your chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Leg Press

Leg presses using resistance bands are suitable for the lower body. Start by looping the band around your feet and holding the handles with your hands. Then, press your feet forward until your legs are straight, and return to the starting position. This exercise will hit the quads, hamstrings, and glutes, so ensure you do it correctly.

Final Words

2024 continues to bring evolution into fitness, and resistance bands are outstanding tools for beginners. Practice these six beginner-friendly resistance band exercises and unleash marvelous results without requiring expensive gear. Lastly, if you want to develop strength, flexibility, or endurance, it is time to start now and let the power of exercise with resistance bands lead you to transform your body.


Why use resistance bands for workouts?

Resistance bands are light and cheap and suit any health and fitness level. Whether at home, in the office, or away traveling, they can help you continue regular workouts without bulky gym equipment. Moreover, they strengthen muscles, develop flexibility and endurance, and are perfect for an overall workout program.

Do resistance bands improve muscle activity?

Resistance bands are excellent at keeping muscles constantly involved in the exercise and making them work harder. Some studies have even stated its effect on upper body workouts and found them adequate.

Can I substitute weights for resistance bands?

If you want your muscles to develop proportionally and grow stronger, consider combining weight training and resistance training.


Healthline on Resistance Band Exercises

Verywell Fit’s Guide to Resistance Band Workouts

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