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7 Benefits Of The Tulsi Plant That You Should Know About

The Tulsi plant, or Ocimum sanctum, known as the Queen of Herbs, holds spiritual status and medicinal qualities. It simply works wonders with the physical body and is also known to improve one’s spiritual life. Due to the medicinal benefits of tulsi, the plant is a household staple in India.  Besides its spiritual properties, the tulsi plant has healing qualities that help treat many diseases.  Let’s dive into the article and learn more about tulsi’s many benefits. 

7 Benefits Of The Tulsi Plant That You Should Know 

Boosts Immunity

The Tulsi plant is rich in antioxidants and has abundant anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties. It consists of essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C and Zinc, which aid in improving immunity. These properties help build up immunity and fight diseases. Frequent consumption of tulsi leaves can help build a robust immune system that wards off infections and diseases. Chewing on tulsi leaves or drinking tea helps relieve cold, cough, sore throat, and fever symptoms. Along with this, it also increases immune responses and prevents infections.  One must actively incorporate tulsi into the everyday diet to reap the benefits of tulsi and keep illnesses away. 

Reduces Physical and Psychological Stress

Ocimum sanctum or Tulsi are adaptogens, which, in simple terms, are plants with active ingredients that help control stress, anxiety, and fatigue and bring mental equilibrium. Components in tulsi leaves help reduce stress, promote mental balance, improve fatigue, and increase energy levels. It also reduces physical stress caused by external stressors such as physical exertion, physical restraint, and noise disturbance. It also significantly enhances memory and cognitive functioning. To keep one active, Tulsi tea is a much safer alternative to caffeine drinks such as tea and coffee. It does not cause agitation, and one can frequently consume it without the fear of developing withdrawal symptoms. 

Protective Barrier Against Toxic Exposure

Research has shown that tulsi plants protect against toxic exposure to elements such as industrial chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceutical drugs, and heavy metals. These toxic stressors cause significant damage to the human body through genetic, cellular, and immune damage. Components of the tulsi plant prevent kidney, brain, and liver damage caused by these factors. They also significantly prevent cellular and chromosomal damage.

benefits of tulsi

Source: Freepik

Reduces Diabetic Symptoms

Numerous research on the effects of the tulsi plant on diabetes have shown that it plays an active role in reducing diabetic symptoms. Diabetes is a disease that is characterized by high levels of glucose. Tulsi shows evident anti-diabetic activity and significantly reduces blood glucose, enhances insulin production, improves abnormal lipid profile, and prevents kidney or liver damage due to increased glucose levels. One particular clinical human trial found that tulsi effectively reduces symptoms of type 2 diabetes. 

Effective Skin and Haircare

The Tulsi plant is a natural remedy to combat hair and skin issues. Many properties of the tulsi plants reduce acne, inflammation, and infections and brighten skin. Tulsi also acts as an effective, healthy skin aging product.  It can also treat skin allergies such as eczema and seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff). Regularly applying tulsi oil or tulsi-infused shampoos can also help combat hair fall. Active usage of tulsi paste or tulsi-infused skincare can help rejuvenate the skin. 

Promotes Heart Health

Tulsi profoundly impacts cardiovascular health and promotes effective heart functioning. It lowers blood lipid content, reduces the risk of stroke, prevents hypertension, controls blood pressure, and reduces cholesterol levels. Its high antioxidant properties also promote healthy heart functioning, consequently keeping diseases at bay. Since tulsi has calming effects and helps combat stress, it naturally prevents cardiovascular diseases that stem from stress. 

ocimum sanctum

Source: Freepik

Aids Respiratory Health

Tulsi is a plant commonly used to treat respiratory issues in India. The plant consists of properties such as eugenol, camphene, and cineole that are proven to effectively treat respiratory illnesses such as cough, cold, and congestion in the chest. Frequent consumption of tulsi leaves or tea can clear the respiratory tract and promote healthy functioning of the lungs; Tulsi juice mixed with ginger and honey can treat illnesses such as cough, cold, bronchitis, asthma, and influenza.


The Tulsi plant as a whole has a plethora of benefits. It can treat physical ailments, purify the air, and hold sacred value. It is readily available in different forms; one can consume the plant or use tulsi-infused products. However, the best results are achieved when one consumes the plant in its authentic raw form. Tulsi is an effective natural remedy and has no known side effects. Nevertheless, one must consider the advice of a medical professional before using the plant to treat illness. 


1. Giridharan VV, Thandavarayan RA, Mani V, Ashok Dundapa T, Watanabe K, Konishi T. 

(2011) Ocimum sanctum Linn. leaf extracts inhibit acetylcholinesterase and improve cognition in rats with experimentally induced dementia. J Med Food.; 14:912–9.

2. Marc Maurice Cohen (2014), Tulsi- Ocimum Sanctum: A herb for all reasons. J Ayurveda Integr Med; 5(4): 251-259.

3. Kochhar A, Sharma N, Sachdeva R. (2009) Effect of supplementation of Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) and Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf powder on diabetic symptoms, anthropometric parameters and blood pressure of non-insulin-dependent male diabetics. Ethno-Med; 3:5–9.

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