Being Healthy Humans

Being Healthy

Written by 4:31 pm Fitness, Weight Management

Why Am I Gaining Weight Even Though I Exercise?

why am i not losing weight

You have been exercising daily, but the weight on the scale has increased instead of decreased. Why am I gaining weight even though I exercise? This question confuses many people who want to cut some pounds while exercising. However, weight gain after a workout dissipates mostly and can be controlled by slight adjustments. Knowing what causes this will help you relax about this issue and enable you to achieve your fitness goals effectively.

Why Am I Not Losing Weight Even Though I Exercise?

Lifestyle Factors and Eating Habits

Numerous factors hinder a person’s aim of losing weight, with eating habits taking the lead. Consuming more calories than the body needs increases weight. Sometimes, individuals eat stuff they don’t account for or may unknowingly consume high-calorie foodstuffs. Also, when one binges on unhealthy snacks such as fast foods or beverages that are the same as sugar, there is a possibility of an individual adding some more pounds.

why am i gaining weight even though i eat healthy and exercise

Source: Freepik

Physical Activity and Exercise

Another common barrier to weight loss is a lack of physical activity. When the body doesn’t burn enough calories through activities, it stores excess calories as fat. Regular workouts increase the burning rate of fat in our bodies and help raise muscles necessary for achieving healthy weights.

Metabolism and Genetics

People have different metabolism rates, determining how fast their bodies can burn energy through digestion. Inherited traits can also cause a slow metabolism. Some genes are involved in the distribution of fat all over an individual’s body, which makes one person fatter than another.

Post-Workout Inflammation

There are times when muscles are torn during exercises, leading to post-workout inflammation, which is temporary. It occurs naturally while muscles are being repaired and is usually harmless. At this period, there could be a temporary increase in water weight because of fluid retention, which might appear on the scale. You should weigh yourself every day at about the same time—better if it’s in the morning before breakfast and without any drink. Do this to avoid pitfalls and get reliable results for your weight loss effort.

Medical Conditions and Drugs

Some diseases and medications are said to affect the management of weight. Hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and hormonal imbalances are some of them. Getting frequent checkups can help you determine the ultimate cause.

why am i not losing weight

Source: Freepik

Sleeping Patterns and Stress

Weight loss can be affected by irregular sleep patterns and levels of stress. This affects the hormones responsible for hunger, thus causing overeating. When one is constantly under pressure, one’s body releases cortisol, making people eat more, eat unhealthy foods and eventually gain weight.

Psychological Factors and Mindful Eating

Psychological issues like emotional overeating or binge-eating disorder can affect your weight loss journey. So, developing mindful eating practices and healthy eating habits is high time. Eat more slowly and pay attention to hunger signs. 

When Does Weight Gain From Exercise Become A Problem?

While considering weight gain resulting from exercising, it is critical to note that working out does not typically increase weight. Indeed, the workout can be said to add muscle mass as well. But if you find yourself gaining much weight despite working out regularly, there are other causes. Luckily, there are ways to improve your routine and nutrition intake. 

Professionals recommend working on your emotional and physical well-being rather than focusing on weight. In addition, feeling stronger, having more energy than before, and experiencing well-being improvement generally indicate progress. If you are still gaining weight even after trying all means possible, you need to see a doctor. This is because they can help you through examinations for various conditions responsible for the increase in weight.

To Sum It Up

It can be irritating to watch the number go up and not down, especially when your aim is weight loss. Yet, there are a few reasons why this might be occurring. Various factors could lead to this situation, such as overeating, particularly high-calorie foods like sweets and fast foods, among others, and lack of enough physical exercise. Even fluctuations in metabolism and medical conditions such as hypothyroidism and some medicines may affect body weight. Poor sleep and high-stress levels can also interfere with appetite hormones.

Once you understand the importance of the abovementioned things, you have completed your weight loss journey. Moreover, you have answered the question, “Why am I gaining weight even though I’m eating healthy and exercising?” So, it is high time for individuals to address all these factors that could help them achieve a healthier body mass index.


Braverman, J., & Hovav, K. (2024, May 23). 5 Reasons You’re Gaining Weight While Working Out. GoodRx Health.

Kubala, J. (2019, February 1). Why Am I Gaining Weight Even When I Exercise? Healthline.,time%20to%20recuperate%20between%20workouts

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