Being Healthy Humans

Being Healthy


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7 Benefits Of The Tulsi Plant That You Should Know About


The Tulsi plant, or Ocimum sanctum, known as the Queen of Herbs, holds spiritual status and medicinal qualities. It simply works wonders...
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How Much Time Does An Open Heart Surgery Recovery Take?

Blog, Fitness, Rest and Recovery

Open heart surgery is usually a primary medical treatment. This surgery comes with a minimum of one week in the hospital. Doctors carry out...
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Insulin Resistance Diet: How To Use It To Prevent Diabetes?

Blog, Food, Nutrition

Eating a balanced diet is essential for avoiding diabetes. Particularly if you have insulin resistance. It happens when your body cells do...
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7 Easy Healthy Recipes To Try This Weekend

Blog, Food, Nutrition

Finding a balance in everything is imperative when it comes to food. In this case, we will talk about eating healthily. People think that...
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Want To Be Healthy? Here Are 5 Keys To A Healthy Lifestyle

Blog, Nutrition

We all want to live long and healthy lifestyle, but in the hustle and bustle of today’s modern world, it is put on the back burner....
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Follow These Summer Skincare Tips Recommended By Dermats


Summer is synonymous with fun. But it can also be a sneaky foe to our skin. The heat and humidity increase sweat and oil production, clog...
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No Time To Exercise? Here is How You Can Move More

Blog, Fitness

In our modern world, it is tough to find time to exercise. We all have our duties in life: work, family, etcetera. Since we are already...
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How Can You Lose Weight? Follow These 5 Steps

Blog, Fitness, Food

Dealing with that stubborn weight is not simple, but it is not that complex either. If you have ever asked yourself, ‘how to lose weight...
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10 Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle

Blog, Fitness

Staying healthy is important. Not just for our physical health, but also for our mental health. In this crazy world we live in, it’s easy...
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Do These 7 Yoga Stretches For Back Pain

Blog, Fitness

Does the persistent ache in your lower back piss you off? We know you’ve tried various things, but you cannot completely eliminate...
Read More Read More: Do These 7 Yoga Stretches For Back Pain